Menu Planner

Our aim at the nursery is to support children to understand where their food comes from and how it is grown and prepared. We will discuss with the children food groups, how food supports our bodies to be healthy and how they think the food got to their plates! The chef will be fully involved in supporting children to see and learn how their food is made. The children have an observing window to watch the chef prepare their favourite meals and there is a phone so they can speak to the chef and ask questions about how their meals are being made. Children will be given as many opportunities to join in the cooking of meals. The aim is to support children in the whole process of planting seeds, caring for their seeds and watching them grow in the Clandon vegetable garden and then harvest and prepare them for their meals! We believe the more, children are involved, the more they will try. Thus, developing a healthy attitude to their food as well as helping with sustainability!

Winter Menu

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Croissants/ fruit toast and cinnamon swirls

A selection of cereals
and croissants

Fruit salad/ yogurt

Homemade museli (made by the children)

A selection of cereals

Snack Time

A selection of seasonal fruits

A selection of seasonal

A selection of seasonal fruits

Crumpets and a selection of seasonal fruits
A selection of seasonal fruits


Spaghetti Bolognese
Bangers and mash with peas

Fish with vegetable rice

Chicken and vegetable stew with rice.

Chicken with peas and potato croquettes


Fruit toast
A selection of rolls (made by the children)
Vegetable crisps
Fruit pie

Tomato and vegetable pasta
fruit biscuit

Cheese, ham and crackers
A selection of rolls (made by the children)
Vegetable crisps
Fruit pie

We will discuss the benefits of healthy eating and the importance of looking after our teeth.


We will have regular visits from a Dental Hygienist to help the children understand the benefits and importance of oral hygiene.

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